_The GreyHat Guide to: cracking .htaccess/.htpasswd passwords
Notice: This is an historic article, something on the order of a decade old now. Most of the information in here still holds true, but there may be some stuff that’s outdated – it’s archived simply because it was a popular article for many people.
this article is intended to be an almost complete guide to cracking and protecting websites which utilize the .htaccess/.htpasswd method for controlling access to data. it’s not intended to be a how-to guide for hacking websites. if you’re looking for a simple howto and not interested in reading in-depth information, then this isn’t the text for you. i’m considering writing a series of guides which for now i’m calling “grey hat guides”, since i consider myself half white hat and half black hat hacker. i do have my malicious streaks (mainly on my own stuff though, i enjoy breaking my own machines), but i am mostly white hat. i guess these guides will basically aim to give white hat hackers a security lecture from a black hat perspective. i dunno. *shrugs*
basic access control in apache
at it’s most basic level, access control in apache is specified in the httpd.conf (or equivalent file. these were previously three files, now merged into one for simplicity’s sake). the most basic directives are allow from and deny from. the default permissions for any given directory is allow from all (which will allow any client to get pages from that directory). the format for these directives is as follows: <Directory /> Order Deny,Allow Deny from All </Directory> This will disallow any client from retrieving any file on your server, unless you explicitly allow files further up the tree. However, since sometimes normal users will want to control their own web directories, and it’s impractical (at least, at most, unsafe) to allow webmasters to modify the httpd.conf, we can specify to allow users to override certain directives using the allowoverride directive.
allowoverride (as stated above) allows non-root users to override access controls on a directory. you simply specify which directives you want the user to be able to override (the default is everything), and then apache looks in each directory for a .htaccess file (or other, specified with the AccessFilename directive) and applies the contents of that to it’s access control. part of the access control, the part which we will be covering (given the scope of this document) is the authconfig directives. below we’ll view a typical .htaccess file for most sites with moderate to poor security (most porn sites simply use these, porn sites can actually be great practice to crack passwords). /* a typical .htaccess file */ AuthName "Marvin Martian's Porn Emporium" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /home/marvin/public_html/members/.htpasswd require valid-user as you can see above, there aren’t many directives required to provide password protection to a directory. as you can see, in this case, the webmaster has been pretty lazy and stuck the .htpasswd file inside the same directory. the format of the .htpasswd file is simple: <user>:<encryptedpassword>
a bad case
on a poorly secured server, there are no access restrictions on the .htpasswd file. since the .htpasswd file is in a web-accessible directory, and user which is able to authenticate to the directory is able to obtain the password list. simply enter the url /members/.htpasswd, and you should receive a full userlist as well as all the encrypted passwords. very silly indeed. if the file doesn’t exist, on a poorly configured server one merely has to read the .htaccess file to obtain the location. if it is below the “web-root”, then it would require a cgi-exploit of some sort to obtain the file. but on any other directory, simply use the browser to obtain the file: webmaster:TTn.VQRliM8c2 hornyguy:ZpgNeARi106aM fatmike69:drXj18zVxxBVc unfortunately, these passwords aren’t of much use in their current form. they require cracking.
cracking passwords
most unix passwords are encrypted using a “one way hash” or “trapdoor hash” – which entails actually losing data from the password in such a way that the original password simply cannot be obtained by reversing the algorithm. the only way to crack such passwords is using brute force guessing attacks. a simple perl script can be used to achieve this: #! /usr/bin/perl # crack.pl by fwaggle root@fwaggle.net open (PASSFILE, ".htpasswd"); my @passfile = <PASSFILE>; close PASSFILE; open (DICTFILE, "dictionary.txt"); my @dictfile = <DICTFILE>; close DICTFILE; foreach $line (@passfile) { my ($username, $encpass) = split(/:/, $line); foreach $attempt (@dictfile) { if ($encpass eq crypt($attempt, $encpass)) { print("Cracked: ${username}:${attempt}\n"); } } } the above perl script is a simple brute force password cracker. it may or may not work, i didn’t actually test it before writing this article – but it closely resembles one i released to alt.hacking quite a while ago. whether it works or not, you should hopefully be able to see the process which password cracking requires (even for perl, the syntax is almost plain english).
better cracking performance
perl isn’t the quickest of languages, and using the standard crypt() calls aren’t exactly optimized for high speed cracking. a far better solution is to download a purpose-built, c coded password cracker such as john the ripper. john the ripper is optimized to crack passwords extra fast, as well as it includes an “incremental mode” in case your dictionary should fail to crack a password. ie, in the above example, if the user’s password doesn’t happen to be in the dictionary, then you won’t be able to crack it. using an incremental password cracker, every character combination is tried, in an intelligent order (in a vain attempt to save time in something that is wholly unpredictable), so that absolutely any password will be cracked, eventually. the one problem with john the ripper is that it’s picky about the files that it gets inputted. in order to crack the .htpasswd files, you must edit them to make them appear like regular unix /etc/passwd files. this means adding extra fields, like this: <username>:<password>:1:1:user:/bin/sh:/root for example, the entries above could look like this: webmaster:TTn.VQRliM8c2:1:1:webmaster:/bin/sh:/root hornyguy:ZpgNeARi106aM:3:3:hornyguy:/bin/sh:/root fatmike69:drXj18zVxxBVc:3:3:hornyguy:/bin/sh:/root the windows version doesn’t seem to require this for some reason, so you can just feed it a regular .htpasswd file. note that the windows version may have markedly poor performance when compared to the unix versions.
finding vulnerable servers
now that we’ve discussed how to break these passwords, it’s almost time to talk about securing them. if you’re only interested in hax0ring passwords from sites, chances are you’re probably well equipped to crack any password files you might stumble accross. if you’re just looking to hack anything, try searching in google or altavista for a phrase like .htpass, and wade through the results and see if you find a file that says “Index of /something” that contains a .htpasswd file. if you have permission to read the file, you’ve basically hacked it already. this is admittedly a lame hack, but if you’re bored – do the net in general a favour. crack the passwords, and email them to the admin. that’s all i ever used to do, and you get the same sense of achievement and hacker cred, without the legal problems of defacements. on a side note, the same results can be achieved by searching for service.pwd. this is the password file for fp-apache, the frontpage server extensions for apache. some really lame admins don’t check permissions on this file, and you can easily gain access to these kinds of systems (and if you’re feeling particularly malicious, just connect with a frontpage client and upload a defacement).
putting an end to this nonsense
if you’re running your own site, then here’s the section you’ll really be interested in – stopping someone from doing this to you. the first thing you need to do is prevent users from reading your .ht* files. the easiest way to hinder this is to put the .htpasswd file someplace that’s not web-accessible (such as your home dir, out of ~/public_html). the next step, as an admin of a server, is to prevent apache from serving these pages from the web. there is no (i repeat NO) reason that a web client should ever need to see these pages, they are for server side configuration only. so, we can easily accomplish this using the <Files> directive, and a nifty little regular expression: <Files ~ "^\.ht"> Order allow,deny Deny from all </Files> this particular example (taken from apache’s httpd.conf, now thankfully included in default distributions to keep lame admins from unknowingly putting themselves at risk) prevents the server from serving any files that begin with .ht. thus, .htaccess and .htpasswd are both protected. the final step from here is to ensure that the files are protected on the server – meaning file permissions. the ideal situation is to have suEXEC for apache running, and to have the files accessible only by the httpd (but still owned by you). that way, you can chmod the files when you need to edit them, but cgi exploits will not allow users to read the files.
wrapping it up
well, this concludes my little rant about .htpasswd and .htaccess files. hopefully you learnt something from this. comments are always welcome, just email me. also, if you’re looking for a unix/unix-like irc channel to lurk on, come on our irc network (irc.hackerzlair.org) and join #hackerzlair – it’s lag free, packet kiddie free, and quite nice. that about does it i think. maybe i’ll write some more of these files if i think about it.