Well hopefully you read my previous post on nmap. My friend came over was looking at nmap logs. He asked me why do I always print them to a file instead of browising it in a terminal. It's easier to search a file, for say the word "open". There is a problem I noticed when I print out the results to a file. It dosn't always print out the os option even if I got it from doing it in the terminal. Well anyway to print the output to a file you just add the following to the end of the command.

>>file location

This works on both unix and windows box's the following command is for a windows machine and the one that follows is for a unix box.

C:\Program Files\Nmap> nmap -p80 -P0 -sS >>c:\folder\nmap.txt
#nmap -p80 -P0 -sS >>/home/user/nmap.txt

Just a refresher of what everything means
-p80 port 80
-P0 run scan even if ping dosn't succeed
-sS Syn scan
IP The ip address of whom you are scanning or starting point in range
/16 Subnet
>> Where to ouput the file

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